Camera Love
I am officially in love! With a camera, that is. Canon will soon be releasing its successor to the 5D (a pretty awesome camera in itself) in a few weeks, and I CANNOT wait! Just reading some of the specs of the Canon 5D Mark II has me shivering with excitement. First of all, it has a 21 megapixel full-frame sensor. I can't imagine what I will do with all that beautiful resolution, but believe me, I will figure something out. I remember the days -- not too many years ago -- that I thought 12 megapixels was a lot! I think I am most looking forward to working with a camera that has a super sensitive sensor, meaning it will work well in low-light situations. The one I have now looks great in bright light, but if I kick the ISO up past 400, or if I shoot in low light, ugly artifacts begin to develop in the shadows. And that really bugs me. Another thing that's great about it is its full-frame sensor. Most consumer digital SLRs have a small sensor that actually crops your image. With the sensor on the 5D, I will be able to take full advantage of my lenses, especially at the wider end of the spectrum. The camera also features the ability to record video in full High Definition. It's ridiculously delicious. Of course, it has a nice, big 3-inch LCD monitor, and a whole host of other features, but the most exciting one to me is the super sensitive sensor. It will cost me a pretty penny, but it is worth it!
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